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Please email with any questions about previous orders. To our loyal customers, After 13 years we are making the difficult decision to sell SpeedDots. We are extending the offer to purchase to you, our community and customer base first, because we recognize that it is you who have helped us to last over the past decade and more. Without you supporting our products through referrals and purchasing, this company would not have lasted for this long, especially in such a niche market as the blind community. We have enjoyed creating a product that has benefited so many. Why are we selling? There are a few reasons: First, health. As most of you may know, we are a small company: a company of two to be exact. Both Doug and Amy have had significant challenges and changes in life circumstances which have made this necessary. Over the past year, Doug has been dealing with Long Covid. The result is that his health is such that he no longer has the physical energy to keep up with the demand of making and selling the tactile screen protectors and ensuring that orders are properly fulfilled and shipped out in a timely manner. In December of 2022, Amy was hired by the Blind Institute of Technology Sadly, this meant providing less help to Doug so much of the customer facing work was being sent his way along with making and shipping of products. This was a lot to juggle in addition to his health struggles. Next, changes in living situations for both have led to a problem with space. It is hard to run a business out of the same room where you sleep. You can only make attempts to reorganize so much before it becomes impossible to store one more thing and keep up the pace with the ever-changing iOS product landscape requiring us to make more diverse types of screen protector offerings. And, to store them. Lastly, shipping which was previously extremely easy has become problematic. From 2011 till 2021, we were fortunate to have a USPS shipping center nearby. Unfortunately, Covid caused it to close. Any time a package is too large, (anything that is bigger than a small letter envelope,) we must either use ride shares to take it to a shipping center or rely on one of the packaging services. This means an increase in our costs to ship products out, and we do not believe it is fair to pass those fees onto our customers. The sale of the business will come with the following: • All templates needed to make all the existing screen protector models for both iPhone and iPad listed on the website. • Instructions for making new tactile templates when Apple releases new iPhones and iPads. • All product packaging and labeling so that you can sell the products already branded. • A few months of premade sellable inventory • A great deal of screen protector inventory so that you may make more as needed. • Any accessories that we have for sale. • Everything pertaining to the website including domains, photos, mailing lists, phone numbers, etc. We aim to make it as easy as we can for you to set up the business and run it independently. We are both totally blind and have run this business by ourselves since 2011 with little assistance from sighted individuals. So, why should you invest in this opportunity? • Product line: You will be producing high-quality, custom, tactile screen protectors for iPhones, iPads, and other iOS devices. • SpeedDots is an established brand known for precision, durability, and superior customer service. • Market presence: We have strong relationships with both direct consumers and retail partners throughout the community. • Easy production: Manufacturing of our products is very portable and scalable. If you have an office or spare room, you can easily store everything; and traveling to conventions everything will fit in a small suitcase or rolling duffle bag. • Consistent growth. We are proud that despite whatever economic upheaval the world has experienced over the years we have been in business, including Covid, that we have made a profit every year. • Growing Market: We have seen the demand for our products increase, not decrease, as the demand for Apple iPhones and iPads, and the need and desire to protect them has remained strong. • Competitive edge: Are products are unique and easily customizable compared to other products out there. • Scalable business. If you’re creative, you can expand the business and products beyond just the making and selling of tactile screen protectors for iPhones and iPads if you so choose. • Strong foundations: We have a loyal customer base and good relationships with suppliers and vendors. If you have a few hours a week, are interested in a legit, well-respected, small home-based business free of gimmicks and that is not an MLM, where you can earn some extra cash please get in touch with us! We’d love to talk to you and work out a sale! Please email us,

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